

Below is a list of available documents.

Please read before proceeding to the Documents or Maps in the menu

As part of the transitional arrangements from the old Local Plan to the new Local Development Framework (LDF), the Local Plan expired on 17th June 2009 and only those policies that have been saved by the Secretary of State's direction will continue to be part of the Development Plan. The policies will remain saved until they are replaced by specific LDF policies. A copy of the Secretary of State's Letter and the list of saved policies can be viewed here. If you wish to look at the original Thanet Local Plan 2006 text please click on the Documents link in the menu on the left. If you wish to see the proposals map please select Maps from the menu on the left.

The policies will need to be considered together with policies in the Regional Spatial Strategy, Planning Policy Statements, Planning Policy Guidance Notes and Supplementary Planning Documents where appropriate.

The electronic version of the Local Plan's Written Statement has been amended to reflect the changes. Those policies that have not been saved have been struck through (for example).

If you have any queries please contact the Strategic Planning Team on (01843) 577591.