
13. Quality Development

Sustainable Design


Sustainable design can make an important contribution to sustainable development and aid a reduction in carbon emissions. The Government's approach to reducing carbon emissions is evolving.  There are a number of measures that can be considered in the design of new development that will help reduce energy consumption and provide resilience to increased temperatures, such as:


Landscaping can be particularly beneficial as it can provide stepping stones, wildlife corridors or new habitats, and contribute to Thanet's Green Infrastructure network. In terms of adapting to climate change, integrating vegetation (i.e. planting on building walls and roofs) can help to reduce solar gain as vegetation has a much higher reflective capacity than masonry, as well as providing a cooling effect through evapo-transpiration. Planting can also help mitigate against poor air quality by presenting a large surface area for filtering air. A large tree can deliver the same cooling capacity as five large air conditioning units running for 20 hours a day during hot weather. New planting can help provide more comfortable, cooler spaces via summer shading.


Within the context of an established development pattern, the most significant change likely to generate demand for travel will result from new housing development. It is necessary, therefore, to consider the location of development in areas accessible to a range of services on foot and by public transport, preventing urban sprawl and improving local high streets and town centres. Methods such as providing showers and changing facilities in employment related development and locating cycle parking close to town centres/entrances will also help reduce the need to travel by car.


Building insulation is a simple way of maximising energy efficiency and thereby reducing energy demands. Poor insulation is one of the leading causes of energy wastage in homes. In areas of deprivation this can lead to households being in fuel poverty. The definition of Fuel Poverty is when a household has to spend 10% or more of its income on energy to maintain acceptable levels of warmth. This is considered to be a temperature of 21oC- 23oC in the main living area of a home and 18oC in other areas. Fuel poverty is influenced by three key factors - the cost of fuel, the income of the household and the energy efficiency of the home. The energy efficiency of the home is one area that planning can influence through policy.


The latest figures from Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 2015 (updated 2017) for Thanet show that 11.3% households in Thanet were defined as being fuel poor which has increased from 10.3% in 2013 (DECC figures) Source: DECC Fuel Poverty Statistic 2013 (Low Income High Cost model indicator) ( poverty-statistics#2013-statistics)


In addition, since the introduction of Energy Performance Certificates in 2007, the District is still only achieving low levels of A to C energy efficiency in new builds for example, 0.4% of EPCs lodged in 2016 achieving an "A" energy rating, 7% achieving EPC rating B and 22% achieving energy rating C. Source:


To help reduce fuel poverty and improve the energy rating, all new homes should seek to maximise energy efficiency through improved insulation eg roof, wall, floor insulation and energy efficient windows. Other initiatives can include on site options such as LED street lights, photovoltaic (solar) panels, electric vehicle charging, near site options - eg financial contributions towards site based district heating scheme, retro fitting of low/zero carbon technologies to local communal buildings. Off-site options - investment in energy from waste plants, investment in district heating pipe work. These are addressed in the Climate Change chapter.


For existing residential developments there are a number of other initiatives such as the Kent and Medway Warm Homes scheme which is a partnership project between Kent County Council and district councils to support residents in Kent and Medway to save energy in their home. In addition Kent Housing Group consulted on the Kent Fuel Poverty Strategy in 2016 and is producing an Action Plan.


The requirements to provide these could have an impact on the viability of development in Thanet. The Council commissioned a Whole Plan Viability Study to ensure that policies in the Plan and has concluded that development in Thanet remains viable after taking these requirements into account.


The following policy seeks to ensure that new development achieves the necessary levels of sustainable design and construction and should be read in conjunction with the policy on the new technical standards.

Policy QD01 – Sustainable Design

All new buildings and conversions of existing buildings must be designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and have resilience to function in a changing climate. All developments will be required to:

  1. Achieve a high standard of energy efficiency to the equivalent of Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes (subject to HE05 where applicable). Where viability is an issue, it will be incumbent on an applicant to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Council why this standard cannot be achieved.
  2. Make the best use of solar energy passive heating and cooling, natural light, natural ventilation and landscaping.
  3. Provide safe and attractive cycling and walking opportunities to reduce the need to travel by car.

All new buildings and conversions of existing buildings must be designed to use resources sustainably. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Re-using existing buildings and vacant floors wherever possible;
  2. Designing buildings flexibly from the outset to allow a wide variety of possible uses;
  3. Using sustainable materials wherever possible and making the most sustainable use of other materials;
  4. Minimising waste and promoting recycling, during both construction and occupation.

General Design Principles


The historic environment can add value to new development by creating a sense of place and distinctiveness. New developments need to be designed in a way that respects and complements their surroundings, and enhance areas that are less attractive. There are many areas in Thanet which are considered to possess certain valuable qualities such as their open form of development, the separation between buildings and the positive contribution made by landscaping. The design, scale and grouping of existing buildings, the spaces between them, the texture, type and colour of materials, enclosure, land contours and views all contribute to the character and identity of a place. An attractive well-designed environment can foster economic regeneration. Heritage England provides advice and guidance on Heritage and Sustainable Growth. Materials should normally be of a local type and harmonise with those of adjoining development (where these present a pleasing appearance). Architectural style should respect that of other development in the locality. Innovation in decoration can, if sensitively considered, enhance the identity and character of a building and place. New innovative modern design will be acceptable where it reflects local context and distinctiveness, is fit for purpose and exhibits durability.


Buildings and the spaces around them should be thought about holistically, with the landscape and public realm, including open space provision, being as important as the building itself. Successful landscape design will integrate development into its surroundings and enhance the function, character and amenity value of spaces and boundaries. Taking account of existing landscape features, such as trees, is crucial in creating high quality and responsive schemes. Existing trees can provide a sense of maturity to new developments and play an important role in softening and integrating development into the district. Landscape design extends beyond the curtilage of new buildings to include streets, parks and other open spaces and should help to support an attractive and high quality public realm. This policy does not seek to control the design of individual gardens unless these are a key part of a heritage asset.


Well-designed open spaces and parks not only help to create a high quality environment but they help to encourage a more active lifestyle thereby improving the health of the local community. The Open Space Strategy 2017 highlights that one of the key issues facing the district is relating to health with 68.4% of residents being classed as having weight issues which are "excessive" and "obese". In order to meet the objective of promoting the physical and mental well-being of the community as set out Strategic Priority 4, the Council will expect developers to have regard to the Active Design Guidance produced by Sport England. This sets out 10 principles of active design which have been identified by drawing from urban design practice and practical examples to promote environments that offer individuals and communities the greatest potential to lead active and healthy lifestyles. The 10 principles are: activity for all; walkable communities; connected walking and cycling routes; co-location of community facilities; network of multifunctional open space; high quality of street and spaces; appropriate infrastructure; active buildings; management maintenance monitoring and evaluation; and activity promotion and local champions.


Landscape proposals should result in high quality amenity spaces, which receive adequate sunlight (in accordance with best practice guidance) and which work with the buildings to help define thresholds and boundaries and to provide opportunities for private usable amenity space through gardens, roof terraces and balconies.


Maintenance and management plans must be provided with any proposals and considered early in the design process. Schemes which include species that support local distinctiveness enhance biodiversity and cope with climatic changes will be supported.


The function of a building is a major determinant of its built form. However, a principal aim in designing new development should be to respect and complement the merits of existing built and natural features including landscape, while still expressing and accommodating the function of the building through design.


Some buildings (e.g. public buildings) need to be of larger scale than others. However, the scale and proportion of existing development should generally be respected. It may be possible to break down the bulk of a large building (e.g. by insertion of horizontal design features) to achieve a satisfactory appearance in relation to adjoining plot widths and proportions and to break bland expanses down to a scale sympathetic to that of existing buildings.


Density is a measure of the number of dwellings which can be accommodated on a site or in an area and can affect the appearance and characteristics of development in the following ways:


Some parts of Thanet are already densely developed. Former holiday areas such as Cliftonville have seen significant numbers of conversions of large buildings (often previously used as hotels) into flatted accommodation which has, in some cases, had a detrimental impact due to small, poor quality developments, absent landlords, and a transient population. To help address this, the Council will implement the optional internal space standards as set out in Policy QD04. Other areas of the district benefit from lower density developments. The density of residential developments is not prescribed in this Plan, as, in all instances, the compatibility with the character of the area and the mix of housing to meet local needs or demand will influence design and layout.


The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that local planning authorities should consider policies to resist inappropriate development of residential gardens where development would cause harm to the local area.


In Thanet, applications have been refused for development on garden land due to the impact the proposal would have on the character and appearance of the area. Some parts of the district enjoy a high quality environment, with spacious surroundings, and development within a garden could have a detrimental effect. Residential gardens also form part of Thanet's Green Infrastructure providing biodiversity and wildlife habitats. However, there could also be instances where a development within a garden could be in keeping with the pattern of development, forms part of a comprehensive development, enhances the streetscene, or is situated where the property would be a frontage development.

The following policy seeks to ensure all new development respects and enhances local character.

Policy QD02 – General Design Principles

The primary planning aim in all new development is to promote or reinforce the local character of the area and provide high quality and inclusive design and be sustainable in all other respects. Development must:

  1. Relate to the surrounding development, form and layout and strengthen links to the adjacent areas.
  2. Be well designed, respect and enhance the character of the area paying particular attention to context and identity of its location, scale, massing, rhythm, density, layout and use of materials appropriate to the locality. The development itself must be compatible with neighbouring buildings and spaces and be inclusive in its design for all users.
  3. Incorporate a high degree of permeability for pedestrians and cyclists, provide safe and satisfactory access for pedestrians, public transport and other vehicles, ensuring provision for disabled access.
  4. Improve people's quality of life by creating safe and accessible environments, and promoting public safety and security by designing out crime.

External spaces, landscape, public realm, and boundary treatments must be designed as an integral part of new development proposals and coordinated with adjacent sites and phases. Development will be supported where it is demonstrated that:

  1. Existing features including trees, natural habitats, boundary treatments and historic street furniture and/or surfaces that positively contribute to the quality and character of an area are should be retained, enhanced and protected where appropriate.
  2. An integrated approach is taken to surface water management as part of the overall design.
  3. A coordinated approach is taken to the design and siting of street furniture, boundary treatments, lighting, signage and public art to meet the needs of all users.
  4. Trees and other planting is incorporated appropriate to both the scale of buildings and the space available, to provide opportunities for increasing biodiversity interest and improving connectivity between nature conservation sites where appropriate.

Residential development on garden land will be permitted where not judged harmful to the local area in terms of the character and residential amenity, the intrinsic value of the site as an open space is not considered worthy of retention, and will not conflict with any other requirements of other design policies and Policy HO1.

Living conditions


The increasing dominance of private housing and policies to maximise use of land have caused concern about homes having levels of "liveable" space. Where homes are of a substandard size people may be forced into buying them because of lack of alternatives and as a result do not stay in them long before they find they have to move on. This can be disruptive especially for families with young children and can affect education if children are having to move schools frequently, also inhibits community cohesion and "putting down roots". Application of the national spaces standards can help to address this.


There are opportunities to facilitate meetings between members of the community who might not otherwise come into contact with each other, including through mixed-use developments, strong neighbourhood centres and active street frontages which bring together those who work, live and play in the vicinity. Safe and accessible developments with clear and legible pedestrian routes and high quality open space will also help achieve this by encouraging the active and continual use of public areas.


Designing out crime and designing in community safety should be central to the planning and delivery of new development. Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 places a duty on councils to do all they reasonably can to reduce crime and disorder locally and improve people's quality of life as a result. New developments will need to demonstrate that their design has sought to introduce measures to reduce crime and address the needs of public safety. Design can help achieve a safer environment including in the following ways:

Policy QD03 – Living Conditions

All new development should:

  1. Be compatible with neighbouring buildings and spaces and not lead to the unacceptable living conditions through overlooking, noise or vibration, light pollution, overshadowing, loss of natural light or sense of enclosure.
  2. Be of appropriate size and layout with sufficient usable space to facilitate comfortable living conditions and meet the standards set out in QD04.
  3. Residential development should include the provision of private or shared external amenity space/play space, where possible.
  4. Provide for clothes drying facilities and waste disposal or bin storage, with a collection point for storage containers no further than 15 metres from where the collection vehicle will pass.

Technical Standards


In March 2015, the Government introduced new technical standards covering water usage, internal space requirements, accessibility and adaptability. In respect of water efficiency, the Planning Practice Guidance states that where there is a clear local need, local planning authorities can require new dwellings to meet the tighter building regulations optional requirement of 110 litres/person/day, rather than the 125 litres/person/day. Thanet is within a water stress area as identified by the Environment Agency in their publication "Water Stressed Areas Final Classification July 2013". Both the Environment Agency and Southern Water support a reduction in daily usage per person/day for internal use in water stressed areas therefore new developments will be expected to meet the water efficiency optional requirement of 110litre /person/day.

Internal space standards:


Paragraph 50 of the National Planning Policy Framework states that local planning authorities should identify the size, type, tenure and range of housing that is required in particular locations, reflecting local demand. The National Planning Practice Guidance further qualifies this by recommending that where a local planning authority wishes to require an internal space standard they should do so by reference in their local plan (paragraph 18).


The Council believes that everyone has the right to a high standard of residential accommodation with sufficient space to meet their own needs. There has been a general trend for houses today to be comparatively smaller than ones built a hundred years ago and these trends have led to calls for the introduction of national space standards for housing. The requirement of a minimum space standard can add to the attractiveness of the development and increase the marketability of properties, thereby widening the potential sale and rental markets. The Council has successfully applied a standard for flat conversions as part of the Cliftonville Development Plan Document, where small room sizes were an issue in connection with flat conversions. (Conversion to Flats Guidelines - 1988).


In order to ensure that new housing is built to a high standard of design and provide adequately for the changing needs of future occupants thereby improving the quality of life, the Council is intending to implement the National Described Space Standard (March 2015).These are replicated in table 13 for ease of reference. The policy will apply to all tenures and it will be up to the applicant to demonstrate why these standards cannot be met within their development.

Table 13 - National Described Space Standards

Number of bedrooms (B)

Number of bed spaces (persons)

1 storey dwellings

2 storey dwellings

3 storey dwellings

Built-in storage



39 (37)*
































































































In certain circumstances it may be necessary to make an exception to development meeting these standards e.g. in the conversion of historic buildings where the implementation of the standard would be detrimental to the character and integrity of the building. In such circumstances the applicant will be required to demonstrate the case for not meeting these standards.

Policy QD04 – Technical Standards

All new development will be expected to meet the new technical standards as follows:

  1. internal space standards as set out in Table 13;
  2. water efficiency standard of 110litres/person/day.

Accessible and Adaptable Accommodation


Paragraph 7 of the NPPF states that one of the three dimensions to sustainable development is a social role which should support strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by creating a high quality built environment, with accessible local services that reflect the community's needs and support its health, social and cultural well-being. Paragraph 50 further states that local authorities should deliver a wide choice of high quality homes, widen opportunities for home ownership and create sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities. Local planning authorities should also plan for a mix of housing based on current and future demographic trends, market trends and the needs of different groups in the community (such as, but not limited to, families with children, older people, people with disabilities, service families and people wishing to build their own homes).


The District has an ageing population base and the recent 2014 based Sub-National Population Projections (published May 2016) project that the 60+ age group in Thanet will grow by 39% from 41,000 in 2014 to 57,000 by 2031. This has implications for the demand for different types of housing and meeting the needs of an ageing population in situ. An increase in the elderly population can be expected to result in an increase in people with dementia and mobility problems. The SHMA estimated that the number of people with a long term health problem or disability will increase by 32% over the Plan period. It is important that sufficient homes are built that have the flexibility to adapt to the range of life stages of the occupants. Some of these households will inevitably require adaptions to properties to provide the flexibility to accommodate their changing needs whilst others may require more specialist accommodation or support. There is clear evidence of need for properties which are capable of accommodating people's changing needs. This general trend can be evidenced from the Council's housing register (September 2016) which shows that there are 51 households on the register who are dependent on a wheelchair and a further 73 households who use a wheelchair for part of the day. Therefore there are currently 124 households currently in need of wheelchair adaptable accommodation. However, this may not include those households who currently have mobility problems and may become dependent on a wheelchair in the future.


The increase in persons with a long-term health problem/disability, as evidenced by the SHMA, together with the Council's own data from the housing register, provides clear evidence of a need for adaptable homes. The SHMA recommends that on this basis, the Council should consider whether it should require a proportion (such as 10%) of new homes to be wheelchair-accessible or whether new housing should be built to new National Housing Standards.


In order to meet the changing needs of this increasing age group, the Council will encourage developers to consider the future needs of households when designing residential units. The Council requires as a minimum, 10% of all new development should be designed to building regulation optional requirement M4 (2) accessible and adaptable dwellings. In respect of the new Building Regulation optional requirement M4 (3) wheelchair user dwellings, the Council will require a proportion of new dwellings to meet this standard based on local need relating to the number of households requiring wheelchair adaptable homes in suitable locations, that are currently on the Council's housing register. This supports the general aim of the Plan to improve the quality of life and health of the residents of the District and ensuring a high standard of design. These standards aim to future proof new development in a sustainable way ensuring adaptability to changing needs and achieving longevity of design.

Policy QD05 – Accessible and Adaptable Accommodation

Accessibility provision in new developments as required by Building Regulations Part M4 shall be provided as follows:

  1. 10% of new build developments will be expected to be built in compliance with building regulation part M4(2) accessible and adaptable dwellings;
  2. 5% of the affordable housing units on housing developments will be expected to be built in compliance with building regulations part M4(3) wheelchair user dwellings.

The above requirements will only be reduced if it would make the proposed development unviable or site specific factors prevent their inclusion.


The technical standards have been assessed in the viability study and no viability issues have been identified. Only in exceptional circumstances will the Council consider deviations from the space and accessibility standards for example where there are viability concerns, or the practical implementation will affect the character or have a detrimental impact on a local heritage asset. If viability is thought to be an issue with a particular development the Council will assess viability considerations in line with the implementation Policy SP02.



Some advertisements need advertisement consent, and it is important that they are controlled through planning policy as they can form an integral part of the streetscene or they can be intrusive and discordant. It is also important to make sure that they are not a danger to the public or highway safety. It is particularly important to consider their impact when they are located in conservation areas.

Policy QD06 – Advertisements

Applications for advertisements will be considered in relation to their effects upon amenity and public safety. Regard will be paid to the surrounding location, manner of illumination (if proposed), material composition, design and relationship to the land, building or structure to which they are to be affixed. Advertisements should not dominate but should be in balance with the character, townscape and architecture of the buildings on which they are situated. Regard should be paid to the proximity of any listed buildings or structures, and any impact to their setting.

In and adjoining conservation areas the Council will require that the design and siting of advertisements does not detract from, and preferably makes a positive contribution to, the character and/or appearance of the area.



The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that when preparing local plans, local planning authorities should support the expansion of electronic communications networks, including telecommunications and high speed broadband.


Mobile communications are now considered an integral part of the success of most business operations and individual lifestyles. With the growth of services such as mobile internet access, demand for new telecommunications is continuing to grow. The Council is keen to facilitate this expansion whilst at the same time minimising any environmental impacts. It is the Council's aim to reduce the proliferation of new masts by encouraging mast sharing and siting equipment on existing tall structures and buildings.

Policy QD07 – Telecommunications

Proposals for telecommunications development will be permitted provided that the following criteria are met.

  1. the siting and appearance of the proposed apparatus and associated structures should seek to minimise impact on the visual amenity, character and appearance of the surrounding area;
  2. f on a building, apparatus and associated structures should be sited and designed to minimise impact to the external appearance of the host building:
  3. if proposing a new mast, it should be demonstrated that the applicant has explored the possibility of erecting apparatus on existing buildings, masts or other structures. Such evidence should accompany any application made to the Council;
  4. if proposing development in a sensitive area, the development should not have an unacceptable effect on areas of ecological interest, areas of landscape importance, archaeological sites, conservation areas or buildings of architectural or historic interest.

When considering applications for telecommunications development, the Council will have regard to the operational requirements of telecommunications networks and the technical limitations of the technology.