7. Economy
Retention of existing employment sites
The Council considers that it is essential to retain employment premises in order to conserve stock for future use. Sites have been assessed for their compatibility with the plan's employment land strategy. The sites listed below contribute positively and are retained and protected for employment purposes accordingly.
Some sites have been identified as suitable for flexible uses. Flexible uses will be restricted to these areas. It is important that traditional employment uses on retained sites are not compromised by incompatible flexible uses that lead to conflicts such as statutory noise and nuisance complaints and highway safety issues.
Policy E01 – Retention of existing employment sites
The following sites will be retained as employment sites and the Council will support uses falling within Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 where they would not harm the living conditions of neighbouring occupiers of land or buildings:
- All sites specifically identified under Policy SP05; and
- Existing business sites and premises identified set out below:
- Cromptons site, Poorhole Lane, Broadstairs (Click here to view on map)
- Pysons Road Industrial Estate, Broadstairs (Click here to view on map)
- Thanet Reach Business Park (part), Broadstairs (Click here to view on map)
- Dane Valley Industrial Estate St.Peters, Broadstairs* (Click here to view on map)
- Northdown Industrial Estate St.Peters, Broadstairs (Click here to view on map)
- Manston Business Park (part), Manston (Click here to view on map)
- Manston Green, Manston (Click here to view on map)
- Manston Road Depot, Margate (Click here to view on map)
- Westwood Industrial Estate, Margate*(part) (Click here to view on map)
- Fullers Yard, Victoria Road, Margate (Click here to view on map)
- All Saints Industrial Estate, Margate (Click here to view on map)
- Laundry Road Industrial Estate Minster (Click here to view on map)
- Eurokent (part), Ramsgate* (Click here to view on map)
- Leigh Road Industrial Estate, Ramsgate (Click here to view on map)
- St. Lawrence Industrial Estate, Ramsgate (Click here to view on map)
- Princes Road Depot/Pioneer Business Park, Ramsgate (Click here to view on map)
- Whitehall Road Industrial Estate, Ramsgate (Click here to view on map)
- Hedgend Industrial Estate, Thanet Way, St.Nicholas-at-Wade (Click here to view on map)
- Tivoli Industrial Estate, Margate (Click here to view on map)
- Manston Road Industrial Estate (part), Ramsgate (Click here to view on map)
Proposals for alternative uses on sites identified under Policy E01 (1) and (2), and other buildings and land currently used for employment, will only be permitted where:
- It has been demonstrated that the site is no longer suitable or viable for employment purposes following an active and exhaustive marketing process for a minimum of 12 months;
- The proposal would not undermine economic growth and employment opportunities in the area;
- The proposal would not result in a significant, or harmful reduction in the supply of land available for employment purposes for the remainder of the plan period, having regard to the type of employment land proposed for reuse and its location;
- The proposal would not prejudice the ongoing operation of remaining businesses nearby; and
- The proposal would result in a good standard of amenity for existing and future occupants.
these are flexible employment sites, where wider employment generating uses will be allowed in addition to B1, B2 and B8 uses. Development must be compatible with neighbouring uses. Proposals for main town centre uses should also comply with Policy E05 - the sequential test where necessary. These uses will be expected to contribute towards the Local Employment and Training Fund.
Flexible uses include leisure, tourism and other town centre uses which, due to scale and format cannot be accommodated within town centres. They also include uses known as sui generis which do not fall into a category in the Use Classes Order.
These include uses such as car showrooms and crèches.
Click here to view Policy E01 on the map
Click here to view Westwood Flexible Use Site on the map
Click here to view Eurokent Flexible Use Site on the map
Click here to view Dane Valley Flexible Use site on the map
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires the Council to plan for flexible working practices such as the integration of residential and commercial uses within the same unit
The proportion of people that are home working is relatively high in Thanet according to the Economic and Employment Assessment 2012. It is not clear from the evidence whether these are small local business starting up from home or employees of companies potentially located outside the district. In either case this is considered beneficial to Thanet's economy as a result of money spent in the district. The co-location of home and work can reduce car use, and is therefore environmentally sustainable, particularly bearing in mind the growth of fast broadband. It is therefore considered important that improvements to digital infrastructure are supported.
Flexible office space (workhubs) with professional equipment and meeting space that can be hired and used in an ad hoc manner by home based workers can also support home working. Business advice may also be important. It is considered that these facilities can be accommodated on identified business parks or in the town centres.
Some small scale home working may not require planning permission. However, where home- working does require planning permission, consideration should be given to the impacts upon the neighbourhood, including for example traffic, noise and disturbance.
The Council supports home working proposals but wishes to ensure that any potential impact is acceptable, as set out in the following policies.
Policy E02 – Home Working
Proposals for the establishment of a business operating from a residential property will be permitted, provided that it can be demonstrated that the proposed use would not result in:
- detrimental impacts on residential amenity by reason of dust, noise, light, smell, fumes or other emissions;
- additional traffic flows or vehicle parking in the vicinity, at a level that would be harmful to residential amenity or highway safety;
- or the erosion of the residential character of the area.
The Council strongly supports the installation of digital infrastructure and considers that an appropriate balance needs to be struck when considering impacts on heritage assets, conservation areas and historic landscapes.
Policy E03 – Digital Infrastructure
Proposals for the installation of digital infrastructure will be required on allocated sites in this plan.
Retro-fitting in existing urban areas and villages will be supported, subject to no unacceptable harm on listed buildings and their settings, the character or appearance of conservation areas and their settings, and historic landscapes