
6. Transport Strategy

Safe and Sustainable Travel


The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that transport policies have an important role to play in facilitating sustainable development and in contributing to wider sustainability and health objectives. Key messages include that the transport system needs to be balanced in favour of sustainable transport modes, giving people real choice about how they travel. Local Plan policies are expected to aim for a balance of land uses to encourage people to minimise journey length for employment, shopping, leisure, education and other activities.


Transport is a critical factor to Thanet's aspirations for sustainable economic regeneration. Thanet's residents need to go to work, school, shops and to access other services as part of their daily lives. Goods need to be moved to support employment and economic growth. Thanet does not at present suffer significant levels of congestion, traffic noise, pollution and delays such as experienced in urban centres elsewhere in Kent. A high proportion of Thanet's population has no access to a car. However this has potential to change and some traffic congestion already occurs at certain junctions at peak times. Thanet has an attractive environment and is a pleasant place to live and work. Its environment is also a potential asset in attracting investment. The intention is to maintain that situation while attracting and accommodating appropriate development in support of regeneration. Accordingly, key actions will be to manage mobility by putting in place an efficient and effective, sustainable transport system.


With Port Ramsgate, Thanet has a potentially significant international Gateway function important for economic development across the region. The introduction of high speed trains connecting Thanet with the High Speed 1 (HS1) service has reduced journey times from Ramsgate to London by over 30 minutes. Manston Business Park is a location of strategic importance. A travel plan will be required alongside planned growth to promote sustainable travel, particularly by the workforce.


Kent County Council's Local Transport Plan (Delivering Growth without Gridlock, 2016-2031) identifies strategic transport projects to support Kent's sustainable economic growth. One of the identified strategic priorities is journey time improvements and Thanet Parkway Railway Station. It also identifies a number of local priorities for Thanet:


The Council is also working with Kent County Council to prepare a Transport Strategy for the district which supports the development proposed through the draft Local Plan.


The Transport Strategy is informed by transport modelling of the draft Plan proposals, and seeks to address key transport issues, including those related to the development identified in this Plan. It includes proposals for cars, public transport, walking and cycling. The key new road infrastructure is set out under Policy SP47.


Thanet's services and most employment sites are clustered in and around the coastal centres and Westwood. These are close to Thanet's existing communities, including the deprived neighbourhoods, and highly accessible by public transport including the frequent "Loop" bus.


An efficient and convenient public transport system and direct walking and cycling routes need to be at the heart of the transport network to reduce the risk that growth may cause traffic congestion, noise and air pollution, or isolate disadvantaged communities.


Within the context of an established development pattern, the most significant change likely to generate demand for travel will result from new housing development. It is necessary, therefore, to consider the location of development in areas accessible to a range of services on foot and by public transport, preventing urban sprawl and improving local high streets and town centres. Methods such as providing showers and changing facilities in employment related development and locating cycle parking close to town centres/entrances will also help reduce the need to travel by car.


Thanet and Kent County Council are jointly preparing a Thanet Transport Strategy to help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the transport system, achieve a shift to more sustainable travel patterns and modes and to identify the transport infrastructure and improvements required to support implementation of the Local Plan. The following sections address challenges identified in the draft Strategy.

Policy SP43 – Safe and Sustainable Travel

The Council will work with developers, transport service providers, and the local community to manage travel demand, by promoting and facilitating walking, cycling and use of public transport as safe and convenient means of transport. Development applications will be expected to take account of the need to promote safe and sustainable travel. New developments must provide safe and attractive cycling and walking opportunities to reduce the need to travel by car.

Accessible Locations


Guiding the location, scale and density of new development is an important way of reducing the need to travel, reducing travel distances, and making it safer for people to use alternatives to the car. Consistent policies directing location of travel generating uses will also guide infrastructure investment further supporting integration of transport and land use.

Policy SP44 – Accessible locations

Development generating a significant number of trips will be expected to be located where a range of services are or will be conveniently accessible on foot, by cycle or public transport. The Council will seek to approve proposals to cluster or co-locate services at centres accessible to local communities by public transport and on foot.

Transport Infrastructure


The draft Transport Strategy aims to promote walking, cycling and use of public transport as well as improvements to the road network to facilitate sustainable choice and safe and convenient travel. Where the need for improvements arises wholly or largely from proposed development the developer will be expected to contribute towards required improvements as set out in the draft Transport Strategy and the draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP).


While this Plan seeks to increase use of sustainable modes of transport, people will continue to make use of private cars and planned growth will increase travel demand. There are a number of locations where traffic flow issues need to be addressed. These are "Victoria" traffic lights Margate, Coffin House Corner Margate, Marine Terrace Margate, Dane Court Roundabout Broadstairs and the "Spitfire" junction. Any new transport links also need to serve new development and relieve the pressure on the urban route network.


The Council, together with Kent County Council, is proposing a new Inner Circuit, which is set out under the Strategic Routes Policy SP47.

Policy SP45 – Transport Infrastructure


Development proposals will be assessed in terms of the type and level of travel demand likely to be generated. Development will be permitted only at such time as proper provision is made to ensure delivery of relevant transport infrastructure. Where appropriate, development will be expected to make a proportionate contribution to the provision, extension or improvement, of walking and cycling routes and facilities and to highway improvements.

  1. Subject to individual assessments, schemes may be required to provide or contribute to: capacity improvements/connections to the cycle network;
  2. provision of pedestrian links with public transport routes/interchanges;
  3. improvements to passenger waiting facilities;
  4. facilities for display of approach time information at bus stops along identified quality bus corridors;
  5. improvement and expansion of public transport services;
  6. improvements to the road network in line with schemes identified through the transport strategy;
  7. provision of electric vehicle charging points, in accordance with policy SP14.




Thanet's location in the south east corner of England has previously been seen as a disincentive to investors, but now the transport infrastructure in place offers attractive business opportunities with an integrated transport hub, maximising on the potential of HS1 from Ramsgate and the port. Recent years have seen the completion of the A299 Thanet Way and its new connection to the now completed A299/A256 improvements. This road infrastructure gives direct connectivity between the ports of Dover and Ramsgate, and the rest of Britain's strategic road network.


Prospective investments in line speeds along the domestic link to HS1 will result in further significant reduction in journey times between Thanet and London. The Council will continue to lobby for investments to secure further improvements to rail journey times for CTRL including domestic services between Ashford and Ramsgate.

New Railway Station


The introduction of faster trains on the Ramsgate to St Pancras route, utilising the High Speed rail link (HS1) means that Ramsgate is only 76 minutes from London for much of the day. As a result, Thanet has the potential to become a more attractive location for people employed in London seeking to live in a more pleasant environment.


Kent County Council, through its Local Transport Plan 'Growth without Gridlock', and the South East Local Enterprise Partnership, through its Strategic Economic Plan support the provision of a new Parkway railway station to the west of Ramsgate close to Cliffsend village. In promoting delivery of the project, Kent County Council has identified a preferred location west of Cliffsend.


Thanet District Council supports the principle of a new railway station at a suitable location along the rail-side area west of Ramsgate. The following policy safeguards land at the preferred location west of Cliffsend for the Parkway project including an area for car parking and a road access to the A299/A256 roads. In addition the Council will continue to investigate and press for improvements to the running times of trains between Thanet and Ashford with a view to reducing the journey time from the Parkway to less than 60 minutes to London.


In supporting the principle of a new railway station, emphasis will be placed on its accessibility by public transport and road (including sufficient car parking) for established and planned residential areas. New housing development is proposed on the edge of Ramsgate and at the village of Cliffsend in close proximity to the new railway station.

Policy SP46 – New Railway Station

Click here to view Policy SP46 on the map

Land west of Cliffsend (as shown on the Policies Map) is safeguarded for a new railway station. Proposals will be required to specifically demonstrate all of the following:

  1. satisfactory vehicular access arrangements from the A299
  2. suitable level of car parking
  3. integration with wider public transport services
  4. mitigation of any noise impacts on sensitive receptors
  5. compatibility with the landscape character of its location
  6. located to minimise the loss of best and most versatile agricultural land.

Strategic Road Network


The Council, with KCC, has carried out a high-level assessment of the potential of the Local Plan proposals on the strategic road network, to a methodology agreed with Highways England, notably in relation to the Brenley Corner junction with the M2, and the junctions of the A256 with the A2 near Dover.


This work has concluded that the potential impact is very limited, and not significant in the context of wider traffic patterns at these junctions.


Kent County Council and Thanet District Council are preparing a new Transport Strategy for the District, which includes proposals for new and improved roads and junctions; enhancements to bus and train services and an expansion of the cycling/walking network.

Strategic Routes


The key element of the emerging Strategy is the development of a proposed "Inner Circuit" to serve new development and reduce pressure on the existing network. This incorporates a new bypass for Birchington; a relief road for Westgate; connections to Westwood from the north-west and south; and improved connections to Manston Business Park, and should bring benefits to the wider road network. It is intended that the Inner Circuit schemes will incorporate provision for buses and cycling.


The key element of the emerging Strategy is the development of a proposed "Inner Circuit" to serve new development and reduce pressure on the existing network. This incorporates a new bypass for Birchington; a relief road for Westgate; connections to Westwood from the north-west and south; and improved connections to Manston Business Park, and should bring benefits to the wider road network. It is intended that the Inner Circuit schemes will incorporate provision for buses and cycling.


The exact routes identified in Policy SP47 may vary as detailed plans for the strategic urban extensions come forward and more detailed transport evidence becomes available. The review of the Local Plan will need to respond to the decision on the Development Consent Order for Manston Airport, and this may result in a variation of the alignment identified in relation to the B2050 Manston Road (from Manston Court Road to Spitfire Junction).

Policy SP47 – Strategic Routes

The following areas, as shown on the Policies Map, are safeguarded for the provision of key road schemes and junction improvements, to support the implementation of the Thanet Transport Strategy, including land at:

  1. Birchington strategic housing site
  2. B2050 Manston Road, Birchington
  3. Shottendane Road (from Birchington to Margate)
  4. Shottendane Road-Manston Road - Hartsdown Road housing site
  5. Nash Road-Manston Road housing site
  6. Nash Road, Margate
  7. Nash Road-Westwood strategic housing site
  8. Manston Court Road/Star Lane (from Haine Road, Westwood to B2050 Manston Road)
  9. From Columbus Way to Manston Road, Birchington

The following strategic routes are sufficient in their existing form to provide for the growth envisaged in the Plan)(subject to the Local Plan review process set out in Policy SP03). However, if further development is permitted, including further development at Manston Airport, which has a material impact on the capacity or operation of these routes, the Council will require alternative on-site highway provision where appropriate and/or proportionate contributions towards any improvements or changes to the existing routes which is thereby necessitated:

  1. B2050 Manston Road (from Manston Court Road to Spitfire Junction
  2. B2190 Spitfire Way (from Spitfire Junction to Columbus Avenue junction).

Junction/traffic management improvements are required at the following junctions to ensure the fully effective functioning of the Inner Circuit. Development that compromises the ability to deliver such improvements will not be permitted:

  1. Victoria Traffic Lights
  2. Coffin House Corner Traffic Lights

The Council expects all new development to make a proportionate contribution to the provision of this key infrastructure.

In the event that there is any delay in site acquisition or assembly in relation to any of the schemes identified in Policy SP47, the Council will, in conjunction with the County Council, make interim highway arrangements to enable allocated development schemes to proceed.

Click here to view Policy SP47 on the map


Potential measures to manage interim traffic impacts include: