
3. Housing Strategy


The Plan's housing strategy sets out how the Local Plan seeks to meet the housing needs of Thanet alongside other partners, including the Council's housing regeneration, empty property and strategy functions. The Local Plan proposes to do this by


The Local Plan must allocate enough land to accommodate the amount of housing needed by 2031. This amount of housing is known as the Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) and is calculated based on a number of factors including population growth, population change market signals and in-migration (including from London) and out migration. This Local Plan allocates sufficient land to meet the housing target over the plan period.


The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) aims to boost the housing supply and expects Local Plans to meet the full objectively assessed needs for market and affordable homes.


The assessment of development needs is presented in the Thanet Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) January 2016 and update September 2016. Neighbouring Councils and other key stakeholders were invited to participate in workshops on the methodology and findings of the SHMA and subsequent review. In identifying this need it is important to consider key functional linkages between places where people live and work - this is known as a Housing Market Area and comprises the districts of Thanet, Canterbury and Dover. (There is also some overlap with parts of other adjoining authorities - Faversham in Swale, Chilham in Ashford and Folkestone in Shepway). The Council has worked closely with neighbouring authorities in addressing strategic housing needs and other cross-boundary issues. The Council intends to meet its housing need within the Thanet district.


The key driver of housing growth in Thanet has been the number of in-comers choosing to live in the district. Further in-migration will be needed to provide an adequate labour supply to deliver the economic strategy.


The Council's Housing Strategy seeks to create sustainable communities, recognising the need for Thanet's residents to have access to high quality housing which they can afford.


In particular it recognises the need for a greater emphasis on provision of family homes, that need for affordable housing outweighs supply, the importance of bringing empty property back into use to provide new homes, and the need to work with the private sector to drive up standards in the private rented sector. Its main objectives are to: -


Reflecting this, an imperative of the housing strategy of the Local Plan will be to facilitate delivery of the type and quality of homes that will meet the needs of settled and mixed communities including in particular those aspiring to take advantage of and generate new employment opportunities.

Amount of Housing


Housing provision is made for 17,140 additional homes over the 20 year period to 2031. This reflects forecasts based on an updated assessment of migration trend based population projections (2014) and the labour requirements supporting the Council's aspirations for economic and employment growth. The NPPF requires local authorities to be able to demonstrate that the sites in its housing land supply are deliverable. The Council is taking a "stepped" approach to delivering the housing target ie. a lower target is set for the first five years, with higher targets for the following 10 years to make good the total housing requirement for the Plan period. This is for two main reasons:


The Council is also seeking to work with the market to encourage higher rates of house- building and recently achieved accreditation to the Housing Business Ready Programme, run by the Housing & Finance Institute (HFI). This involvement of the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) in development in the district, and their purchase of sites for development, is an indicator of commitment to delivery in the area. The Council has been demonstrating its commitment to the delivery of housing, both to meet local housing need and to support economic regeneration, by granting planning permission for residential development on sites proposed for housing allocations, and non-allocated sites.

Policy SP13 – Housing Provision

Provision is made for at least 17,140 additional homes in the period to 2031, with notional delivery across the period as indicated below. The Council will review the provisions of this policy as part of the wider Local Plan review set out in Policy SP03

Period 2011-16 2016-21 2021-26 2026-31













Location of Housing


Thanet is a relatively small district surrounded on three sides by the coast. The three main coastal towns of Margate, Ramsgate and Broadstairs, and the central island development of Westwood form the main urban areas. Outside of the urban areas is open countryside including high quality farm land and seven rural settlements. Thanet's Green Wedges serve an important function by maintaining the physical separation between, and identity of, the Thanet towns and have been consistently protected from development by local plan policies. Thanet currently has an under provision of all 5 typologies of open space identified in the Open Space Strategy (2017). These limitations restrict the availability of sites that are appropriate for housing allocations. In considering appropriate site options to accommodate the housing target as required in the NPPF, the Council has also had to take into account a number of environmental issues including internationally and nationally important nature conservation designations, local wildlife designations, areas at risk of flooding and archaeology/designated heritage assets.


Identification and allocation of housing land has been informed by assessment of the sustainability of individual sites through the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment alongside the strategy for the planned location of homes whose key principles are to:-


A number of allocated sites are of strategic importance for delivering the quantity and type and variety of homes required to deliver the strategy. These are identified as Strategic sites. The distribution of allocated housing land is illustrated in Table 2.


Within the total housing provision shown below the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment suggests capacity to deliver some 3017 dwellings exists by way of sites which have already received planning permission. In addition some 1555 dwellings have already been delivered since the start of the Plan period.

Table 2 - Total Housing Distribution
Period 2011-2031
Strategic Sites (sites of 500+ dwellings)  
Westwood 1,450
Birchington on Sea 1,600
Westgate on Sea 2,000
Manston Green (planning permission granted so not counted in allocations)
Land at Manston Court/Haine Road 1400
Land north and south of Shottendane Road 550
Other Housing Sites/Areas 1,691


Table 3 - Total Housing Supply
Local Plan requirement 17,140
Completions from 01/04/11 to 31/03/19 2,704
Residual requirement 14,436
Total allocations supply 8,691
Planning permissions supply 4,713
Empty Homes 27 pa (27x12) 324
Windfall allowance 225x9* 2,025

*Windfall allowance discounted for the first 3 years to avoid any potential double counting.

Area Specific Objectives


Reflecting the make-up of the housing stock and specific issues in different parts of Thanet, the Council has identified, and will seek to achieve, the following area based objectives. It will expect applications for residential development to demonstrate that full account has been taken of these.

Table 4 - Area Specific Objectives
Area Area specific housing objectives
District wide

Increase the proportion of houses (non flatted homes) within the overall dwelling stock. Safeguard and increase the stock of family homes.

Increase the stock of affordable homes

Safeguard and enhance the character and amenity of existing residential neighbourhoods.


Transform the neighbourhood into a mixed business and residential community benefiting from mutual proximity, accessibility and supporting amenity infrastructure.

Contribute a significant addition to the district's stock of non-flatted accommodation including family sized houses and of affordable homes.

Coastal town centres Contribute to area regeneration objectives expressed in policy or supplementary guidance, and, where appropriate, in line with specific site development briefs.
Cliftonville West & Margate

Establish a mixed, inclusive and settled community through improvements to the quality and configuration of residential accommodation and its environment and diversity of tenure.

Apply public sector intervention and finance to pump-prime private sector investment.

King Street, Ramsgate Improve the visual appearance of the area and provide good quality housing that is affordable and well managed.
Newington & Millmead

Establish a mixed, inclusive and settled community through improvements to the quality and configuration of residential accommodation and to the local environment and diversity of tenure.

Rural settlements

Accommodate additional homes to provide locational choice at a scale compatible with the size and character of the settlement and in light of accessibility of services and community facilities.

Increase the stock of affordable housing at a scale commensurate with any outstanding local need.


Strategic Housing Site Allocations


The existing built up areas of the district will continue to deliver additional housing. However, a significant amount of greenfield housing land is required to meet the housing target. Assessment has revealed that some of the suitable and sustainably located greenfield sites identified are large and some are adjoining or in mutual proximity. These sites provide the opportunity to deliver development at a scale that will serve both to facilitate a step change in delivering the type of homes required to meet need and secure the infrastructure required to support them. Such large and clustered sites have been identified as strategic housing allocations that will be of particular importance in delivering the Plan's housing objectives.


The geographical extent indicated for individual strategic site allocations represents the anticipated maximum land requirement. Proposals will be expected to consider, and where possible accommodate, notional maximum dwelling capacities indicated together with all other relevant policy requirements within a lower level of greenfield land take. This section identifies, and sets out policies for, housing sites of strategic significance to the Local Plan strategy.


The sites listed below are identified as Strategic Housing Sites. Applications to develop such sites shall be accompanied by a detailed development brief including an illustrative site masterplan featuring all elements of the proposal and indicating phasing of development and supporting infrastructure. Applications will be determined in light of the following site specific policies:

SP15 Manston Green

SP16 Birchington on Sea

SP17 Westgate on Sea

SP18 Westwood

SP19 Land fronting Nash and Haine Roads

SP20 Land at Manston Court/Haine Road

SP21 Land north and south of Shottendane Road

General Housing Policy Requirements


There are a number of policy requirements relating to residential development that will apply to all of the site specific policies and land allocated for housing. The following policy applies to all sites allocated in this Local Plan for residential development. NB There are other policies in the Local Plan that would also apply to new residential developments - the plan must be read as a whole.


One of the “transformational initiatives” identified in the Council’s Economic Growth Strategy (EGS)(November 2016) is “designing enterprise into communities”. This is particularly important in Thanet, where a significant proportion of jobs growth is expected in the SME and micro-business sector. As well as supporting working at home with good-quality broadband as provided in policies E02 and E03, the provision of active working space and networking opportunities for the self-employed and sub-contractors is seen as a means of enhancing this aspect of Thanet’s employment profile. This is the basis for seeking “community business space” within the strategic housing allocations. The intention is for community buildings to be provided which make provision in whole or in part for small, fully serviced and flexible spaces suitable for use by small businesses and sole traders to support business activity. This approach is also supported by Policy CM01, which makes provision for broadband in community facilities.

Policy SP14 – General Housing Policy

Proposals for residential development on sites allocated in this plan must:

  1. Provide one electric car charging point for every 10 parking spaces provided in communal areas, or one charging point to be provided for every new dwelling with parking provision within its curtilage;
  2. Retain existing boundary features where possible;
  3. Provide a connection to the sewerage system at the nearest point of adequate capacity, in collaboration with the service provider;
  4. Allow future access to the existing water supply infrastructure for maintenance and upsizing purposes;
  5. Provide for the installation of digital infrastructure;
  6. Provide for the installation of Fibre to the Home (FTTH);
  7. Contribute towards the Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Plan to meet the requirements of SP29.

Additionally, all proposals for 10 or more units must:

  1. Provide an appropriate mix of dwellings (including care and supported housing) to meet the requirements of Policy SP22;
  2. Include an element of self-build properties where there is a demonstrable demand from persons included in the Council’s self-build register;
  3. Provide affordable housing to meet the requirements of Policy SP23;
  4. Provide accessible homes to meet the requirements of Policy QD05;
  5. and Include an assessment of the development’s effect on ‘functional land’ that may be used as a roosting or feeding habitat by wintering and breeding birds identified by the Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay Special Protection Area citation, and provide mitigation where necessary. All development must comply with policies relating to the Protection of International and European Designated Sites and associated Mitigation Strategy.

In addition to the timely delivery of education, health and transport infrastructure, proposals for the development of strategic sites under Policies SP15, SP16, SP17, SP18, SP19, SP20 and SP21 must include an assessment of the need for community facilities as part of the masterplanning process. Where required to create sustainable, mixed-use communities the Council will expect such facilities to include community business space having regard to the Economic Growth Strategy.

A Heritage Impact Assessment will be required at the masterplanning stage for the strategic sites to assess any cumulative impacts of the site allocations and highways infrastructure on heritage assets and archaeological resources.

Strategic Site Policies

Policy SP15 – Strategic Housing Sites - Manston Green

Land is allocated for up to 785 new dwellings with an approximate average density of 35 dwellings per hectare (net) at land known as Manston Green. Proposals will be judged and permitted only in accordance with a masterplan for the whole site which should include:

  1. a minimum of 6.3 ha of open space;
  2. a fully serviced area of 2.05 ha (to be provided at the cost of the developer) to accommodate a new two-form entry primary school and its construction in a location and in a form agreed with the County Council;
  3. a range of community facilities in accordance with Policy SP14, including small scale convenience retail provision to accessibly serve the day-to-day needs of the residents;
  4. linkages to new and existing public transport infrastructure, including bus and rail services;
  5. improvements to the roundabout at the junction with A256 Haine Road/B2050 Manston Road and approach roads;
  6. and a proportionate contribution to necessary off-site highway improvements in accordance with Policy SP47.

Masterplanning will be informed by and address the following:

  1. built development will be focused at the northern part of the site; a pre-design archaeological assessment taking account the presence of any significant and sensitive remains;
  2. the preservation of the setting of listed buildings at Ozengell;
  3. the integration of development and landscaping to enable a soft edge between the site and open countryside and minimise impact on long views southwards toward Pegwell Bay;
  4. the provision of sustainable urban drainage taking account of the site's location in the Groundwater Source Protection Zone;
  5. the capacity of any utility services and infrastructure, and any need and provision for improved or additional infrastructure (as may be advised or reasonably required by service providers).

All development proposals must be planned and implemented in a coordinated manner and accompanied by an infrastructure delivery and phasing plan.

Proposals will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which shall:

  1. assess the impact of development on the local road network;
  2. identify measures to promote multi-modal access, including footway and cycleway connections and an extended bus service accessible to the residential development and rail linkages.

Click here to link to Policy SP15 on the map


Westgate-on-Sea and Birchington, along with Garlinge and Westbrook form part of the continuous urban coastal belt of Thanet, located to the west of Margate.


Westgate comprises, in the main, high quality residential environments and was originally developed as a seaside resort for the upper and middle classes. It has a small commercial centre which serves the surrounding residential community, and a train station with routes to Margate and the rest of Thanet, as well as Faversham and London. Between Westgate and Margate are the smaller suburbs of Westbrook and Garlinge, both of which also have small commercial centres that serve the local community.


Birchington is a large village with an existing population of approximately 10,100. It has a good sized and well-functioning commercial centre which serves the surrounding residential community. The village has a train station with routes to Margate, and the rest of Thanet as well as Faversham and London, with regular bus services running to Canterbury. Birchington Square lies on the main route to Margate for those travelling into the district from the west, and as such at peak times suffer from traffic congestion. This has also resulted in the area suffering from higher levels of air pollution.


These settlements are considered to be sustainable locations for new development, with good access to local services, including schools and other community facilities, as well as convenient transport options to the rest of Thanet and locations outside of the district. Developers will need to work with relevant health care providers to ensure adequate provision is made in these locations.

Policy SP16 – Strategic Housing Site - Birchington

Land is allocated for up to 1,600 new dwellings with an approximate average density of 35 dwellings per hectare net at Birchington. Proposals will be judged and permitted only in accordance with a masterplan for the whole site which should include:

  1. a minimum of 12.8 ha of open space;
  2. a fully serviced area of 2.05 ha (to be provided at the cost of the developer) to accommodate a new two-form entry primary school and its construction in a location and in a form agreed with the County Council;
  3. a range of community facilities in accordance with Policy SP14, including small scale convenience retail provision to serve the day-to-day needs of the residents;
  4. provision for the expansion of medical services at the Birchington Medical Centre to cater for the additional needs created by the development;
  5. linkages to new and existing public transport infrastructure, including bus and rail services;
  6. a new link road to serve the development and extending from Minnis Road and the A28, and A28 to Manston Road including new junctions on A28/Minnis Road and Acol Hill/ Manston Road;
  7. access on to Park Lane and a footway connection to the entire frontage to connect to the existing footway in Park Lane near to the access with Brunswick Road;
  8. and a proportionate contribution to necessary off-site highway improvements in accordance with Policy SP47.

Masterplanning will be informed by and address the following:

  1. measures to preserve the listed buildings Gore End Barn and Upper Gore End Farmhouse and their setting, including the setting of Quex Park;
  2. measures to integrate the development within the landscape to enable a soft edge between the site and the open countryside;
  3. pre-design archaeological evaluation;
  4. noise mitigation for any development near the northern edge of the site which is adjacent to the railway line;
  5. The capacity of any utility services and infrastructure and any need (and provision of) improved or additional infrastructure (as may be advised or reasonably required by service providers).

All development proposals must be planned and implemented in a coordinated manner and accompanied by an infrastructure delivery and phasing plan.

Proposals will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which shall:

  1. assess the impact of development on the local road network;
  2. identify measures to promote multi-modal access, including footway and cycleway connections and an extended bus service accessible to the residential development and rail linkages.

Click here to view Policy SP16 on the map


Policy SP17 – Strategic Housing Site – Westgate-on-Sea

Land is allocated for up to 2,000 new dwellings with an approximate average density of 35 dwellings per hectare (net) at land to the east and west of Minster Road, Westgate-on-Sea.

Proposals will be judged and permitted only in accordance with masterplan for the whole site which should include:

  1. a minimum of 16 ha of open space to include functional green space(s) between existing urban edge and new development;
  2. a fully serviced area of 2.05 ha (to be provided at the cost of the developer) to accommodate a new two-form entry primary school, and its construction in a location and in a form agreed with the County Council;
  3. a range of community facilities in accordance with Policy SP14, including small scale convenience retail provision to serve the day-to-day needs of the residents;
  4. provision of serviced 1 ha of land suitable for a new medical centre to cater for the additional needs created by the development;
  5. linkages to new and existing public transport infrastructure, including bus and rail services;
  6. vehicular access from Minster Road and Dent-de-Lion Road;
  7. the provision of a link road between Dent de Lion Road and Minster Road (including necessary junctions) and the provision of a new signal controlled junction at High Street Garlinge/A28;
  8. improvements at Dent-de-Lion Road/High Street, Garlinge junction;
  9. an assessment to identify necessary measures to manage on-street car parking in Dent-de-Lion Road and Garlinge High Street, between the site and the A28, and potential methods of delivery;
  10. the upgrade of Shottendane Road to Local Distributor standard; and
  11. a proportionate contribution to necessary off-site highway improvements in accordance with Policy SP47.

Masterplanning will be informed by and address

  1. an archaeological evaluation;
  2. the preservation and/or enhancement of the setting of scheduled ancient monuments and the listed Dent de Lion Gateway, and the measures to be undertaken;
  3. the capacity of any utility services and infrastructure and any need (and provision of) improved or additional infrastructure (as may be advised or reasonably required by service providers);
  4. appropriate arrangements for surface water management/sustainable drainage schemes in line with Margate Surface Water Management Plan,
  5. Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment to address any visual impact on views to and from the adjacent Green Wedge and protecting wide open landscapes and strategic views; and
  6. the integration of development and landscaping to take account of public rights of way and the provision of a soft edge between the site and open countryside.

All development proposals must be planned and implemented in a coordinated manner and accompanied by an infrastructure delivery and phasing plan.

Proposals will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which shall:

  1. assess the impact of development on the local road network and address any implications for on-street car parking arrangements in Dent-de-Lion Road and Garlinge High Street, between the site and the A28; and
  2. identify measures to promote multi-modal access, including footway and cycleway connections, and an extended bus service accessible to the residential development and rail linkages.

Click here to view Policy SP17 on the map


Westwood was originally allocated as a new town centre in the 2006 Thanet Local Plan and is a significant area for retail and commercial developments. The land fronting Nash and Haine Roads as identified on the Policies Map (Policy SP19 refers) already has the benefit of various planning permissions. Outline planning permission was granted in 2008 for a mixed use urban extension comprising residential use (total of 1020 units), community facilities, commercial and employment uses and associated infrastructure including a new link road and associated alterations to existing junctions and new access arrangements. Development is well advanced with most phases of the development having been completed. The delivery of the proposed school and medical centre have been negotiated through various stages of the planning application process, and remaining phases 3c, 4 and 5 (providing a total of 770 residential units) of the development are expected to be completed within this local plan period. Applications for strategic sites at Westwood identified in this plan should have regard to previous planning permissions to ensure a cohesive and comprehensive delivery of infrastructure and community facilities is provided to serve the existing and wider allocations.

Policy SP18 – Strategic Housing Site - Westwood

Land is allocated for up to 1,450 new dwellings with an approximate average density of 40 dwellings per hectare (net) at Westwood.

Proposals will be judged and permitted only in accordance with a masterplan for the whole site which should include:

  1. a minimum of 11 ha of open space;
  2. a fully serviced area of 2.05ha (to be provided at the cost of the developer) to accommodate a new two-form entry primary school and its construction in a location and in a form agreed with the County Council;
  3. a range of community facilities in accordance with Policy SP14, including small scale convenience retail provision to serve the day-to-day needs of the residents;
  4. linkages to new and existing public transport; infrastructure, including bus and rail services;
  5. highway improvements including widening of Nash Road and links to Nash Road and Manston Road, to local distributor standard between the southern extent of the site and Star Lane;
  6. and a proportionate contribution to necessary off-site highway improvements in accordance with Policy SP47.

Masterplanning will be informed by and address:

  1. pre-design archaeological assessment;
  2. the preservation of the setting of listed buildings at Nash Court Farm;
  3. the capacity of any utility services and infrastructure and the provision for any necessary improvements or additional infrastructure (as may be advised or reasonably required by service providers);
  4. arrangements for surface water management in line with the Margate Surface Water Management Plan;
  5. a layout that responds to the existence of overhead power lines;
  6. measures to integrate the development within the landscape to enable a soft edge between the site and the open countryside.

All development proposals must be planned and implemented in a coordinated manner and accompanied by an infrastructure delivery and phasing plan.

Proposals will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which shall:

  1. assess the impact of development on the local road network;
  2. identify measures to promote multi-modal access, including footway and cycleway connections, an extended bus service accessible to the residential development and rail linkages.

Click here to view Policy SP18 on the map

Policy SP19 – Strategic Housing Site - Land fronting Nash and Haine Roads

Land is allocated for up to 1020 new dwellings at land fronting Nash and Haine Roads.

Proposals will be judged and permitted only in accordance with a masterplan for the whole site which shall include:

  1. a minimum of 1.75 ha as local open space (including an equipped play area and casual/informal play space) together with an area of usable amenity space as an integral part of the design of the development. Where feasible, the area of local open space should be larger than the minimum indicated above; 
  2. a fully serviced area of 2.05 ha (to be provided at the cost of the developer) for a new two form entry school as an integral part of the development;
  3. a minimum of 2 ha to enable provision of a medical centre and provide a community assembly facility.

Masterplanning will be informed by and address the following:

  1. landscaped buffer zones adjacent to any new road infrastructure and along the boundaries to adjacent to open farmland;
  2. provision and maintenance of appropriate equipment for continuous monitoring of local air quality to inform the Council's ongoing air quality review and assessment programme.

All development proposals must be planned and implemented in a coordinated manner and accompanied by an infrastructure delivery and phasing plan.

Applications for successive phases of development will have regard to the need to integrate as far as feasible with any approved masterplans relating to neighbouring areas addressed in this policy and with the Thanet Transport Strategy.

Proposals will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which shall:

  1. Provide for any highway improvements identified as necessary in a traffic assessment and the development masterplan. Individual phases of development will be required to make provision pro-rata towards such improvements; 
  2. incorporate and provide for connections and improvements to footpath and cycle networks facilitating walking, cycling and public transport to, from and within the site, including provision of or contribution to improvements to public transport services.

Click here to view Policy SP19 on the map

Policy SP20 – Strategic Housing Site - Land at Manston Court Road/Haine Road

Land is allocated for a mixed use development, comprising up to 1400 new dwellings with an approximate average density of 35 dwellings per hectare (net), and leisure uses at land at Manston Court Road/Haine Road

Proposals will be judged and permitted only in accordance with a masterplan for the whole site which should include:

  1. A minimum of 11.24ha of open space;
  2. Provision on site of a serviced site of no less than 8ha for a 6-form entry secondary school and its construction in a location and in a form agreed with the County Council;
  3. linkages to new and existing public transport infrastructure, including bus and rail services;
  4. the provision of an internal spine road laid out in accordance with the requirements of the draft Transport Strategy
  5. junction improvement at A256 Haine Road/New Haine Road and Star Lane/Haine Road (including a dual lane link between them) and;
  6. a proportionate contribution to necessary off-site highway improvements in accordance with Policy SP47

Masterplaning will be informed by and address:

  1. pre-design archaeological evaluation;
  2. he capacity of any utility services and infrastructure and any need and provision for improved or additional infrastructure (as may be advised or reasonably required by service providers).

All development proposals must be planned and implemented in a coordinated manner and accompanied by an infrastructure delivery and phasing plan.

Proposals will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which shall:

  1. assess the impact of development on the local road network
  2. identify measures to promote multi-modal access, including footway and cycleway connections, an extended bus service accessible to the residential development and rail linkages.

Click here to link to Policy SP20 on the map

Policy SP21 – Strategic Housing Site – Land north and south of Shottendane Road

Land is allocated for up to 300 dwellings at land north of Shottendane Road, and up to 250 dwellings at land south of Shottendane Road, with an approximate average density of 35 dwellings per hectare net.

Proposals will be judged and permitted only in accordance with a Masterplan for the whole site which should include:

  1. a minimum of 4.4 ha of open space – this may be spread over both sites but must be readily accessible to both sites;
  2. linkages to new and existing public transport infrastructure, including bus and rail services;
  3. a local distributor link road between Shottendane Road and Manston Road, including new roundabouts on Shottendane Road and Manston Road and a new junction with Hartsdown Road;
  4. the reconfiguration of the Coffin House Corner signal controlled junction and the Manston Road and Shottendane Road junction;
  5. Provision for the retention and/or upgrading of designated footpath TM14;
  6. a proportionate contribution to necessary off-site highway improvements in accordance with Policy SP47.

Masterplanning will be informed by and address:

  1. pedestrian and cycle access between the two sites;
  2. appropriate landscape treatment in order to provide an appropriate transition between the development and the adjacent open countryside;
  3. A Heritage Impact Assessment to assess effects on St Johns Cemetery and sites/memorials within it and consideration of the setting of Shottendane Farm House;
  4. an assessment of potential implications of policies CSW16 and DM8 of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (or subsequent revision) and the need (if any) to mitigate any potential impacts on waste management capacity; 
  5. the capacity of any utility services and infrastructure and any need (and provision of) improved or additional infrastructure (as may be advised or reasonably required by service providers).

All development proposals must be planned and implemented in a coordinated manner and accompanied by an infrastructure delivery and phasing plan.

Proposals will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which shall:

  1. assess the impact of development on the local road network;
  2. identify measures to promote multi-modal access, including footway and cycleway connections, an extended bus service accessible to the residential development and rail linkages;

Click here to view Policy SP21 on the map

Type and size of dwellings


The Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2016 (SHMA) identified as a critical challenge tackling the impact of an ageing population, and forecast loss of younger age groups with the resultant potential loss of working age population.


Subsequent economic and population forecasts based on the economic aspirations and housing provisions in this Local Plan also predict for Thanet an increase in the ageing population (especially those above retirement age). However, they do also predict that there will be an increase in younger age groups.


Both the SHMA and the subsequent forecasts referred to above show that single person households are expected to increase in number. The SHMA notes however that there is a greater supply of smaller units than of family homes and houses, and that this demographic trend should not dictate policy. Indeed it notes that in aiming to deliver substantive regeneration and economic strategies the housing role in turning round economic performance is both to provide appropriate and attractive housing for higher earners and facilitate retention of local young families.


The SHMA notes that the housing stock is characterised by a combination of dense provision, overprovision of smaller flats and flatted buildings, and a shortage of larger homes of three bedrooms and more. It states that it is important that future development policy prioritises a rebalancing of stock to incentivise the provision of family homes and control the expansion of "flatting" of larger homes, while at the same time recognising solid demand for smaller homes including from young single people and increasing numbers of older single people.


Cliftonville West and (part of) Margate Central wards have had particular issues relating to the availability of cheap properties that have been converted into small residential units and resultant transient community. Due to the severity of the issues in these areas, evidence is available to support planning policies to resist the conversion of buildings to 1-bedroom flats, and provide more family housing. These policies are included in the Cliftonville Development Plan Document (adopted 2010).


In assessing housing needs the SHMA considers information about aspirations, economic development plans for the sub-region, opportunities to attract mature working households that new rail links will bring and priority need for affordable housing. It recommends broad proportions of the sizes and types of market and affordable homes that should be provided. This is shown in tables 5 and 6.


In applying Policy SP22, the Council will have regard to the relevant conclusions of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2016) or any relevant evidence serving to refresh or update it. On sites of 10 units or less the Council will take a flexible approach to the application of the SHMA recommendations, taking into account the nature and location of the site.

Table 5 - Mix of market housing by dwelling type (built form)
  Detached Semi-detached Terraced Flat
Thanet 25-30% 25-30% 20-25% 20-25%

The SHMA recommends the following sizes of dwellings needed for market housing (including a higher requirement for 2 bedroom homes, reflecting the result of a growing older population and younger households living in smaller households).

Table 6 - Mix of affordable housing by dwelling type (built form)
  Detached Semi-detached Terraced Flat
Thanet 0-5% 25-30% 20-25% 45-50%

The SHMA recommends the following sizes of dwellings needed for affordable housing


Previous dwelling completions in Thanet have included a large share of flatted accommodation. Consequently, in line with the SHMA recommendations it is important to increase the proportion of houses in the overall stock. The SHMA recommends a mix of 20-25% flats and 75-80% houses for market housing, and 45-50% flats and 50-55% houses for affordable housing. Accordingly proposals will be expected to deliver at least the proportion of houses (as opposed to flats) in line with Policy SP22. It is recognised that in some instances there may be reasons such as configuration of buildings contributing to townscape quality why only flatted accommodation will be feasible. Schemes proposing a higher proportion of flats will need to be accompanied by a supporting justification.

Policy SP22 – Type and Size of Dwellings

Proposals for housing development will be expected to provide an appropriate mix of market and affordable housing types and sizes having regard to the SHMA recommendations as may be reviewed or superseded.

The Council will encourage proposals for residential development to incorporate a higher ratio of houses to flats (as recommended in the SHMA as may be reviewed or superseded). Proposals for developments incorporating a higher proportion of flats will need specific justification.

Proposals to convert properties currently used as flats to use as single family or single household accommodation will be permitted where a satisfactory standard of accommodation can be provided.

Development proposals involving the net loss of single family dwelling houses will only be permitted where the subdivision or redevelopment of the site continues to provide accommodation suitable for occupation by families.

Providing affordable homes


Affordable housing is defined as social rented, affordable rented, intermediate housing, provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. The Strategic Housing Market Assessment's (SHMA) analysis is that tackling the backlog of need is an enormous task. The SHMA also sets out the requirement for a proportion of starter homes (homes for first time buyers under the age of 40 at a discount of at least 20% below the open market value) to be delivered on all suitable reasonably-sized housing developments.


Through its functions as housing and planning authority the Council will aim to maximise the number of decent affordable homes that can viably be delivered alongside market homes in order to meet need. Negotiating elements of affordable housing in new schemes will contribute valuably to meeting local need.


Reflecting economic viability considerations in general the Council will negotiate for an element of 30% affordable housing in residential development.


In applying the following policy, site specific considerations will be taken into account in relation to the element of affordable housing that will be expected. The presumption is that the affordable element will be delivered on the application site, unless robust justification exists for provision on an alternative site in the developer's ownership and control, or for a financial contribution in lieu of on-site provision which will help to deliver strategic housing objectives. It is accepted that on sites comprising a total of 10 dwellings or less and which have a maximum combined floorspace of no more than 1,000 square meters, a financial contribution should not be sought.


Developers will be required to demonstrate how any affordable housing will be made available to households unable to obtain adequate housing through the private market and will be expected to engage with registered providers. (The Council can provide a list of provider partners). This may be secured by entering into a planning agreement. The developer will be required to demonstrate that enjoyment of the affordable housing as such can be guaranteed for successive as well as initial occupiers for the foreseeable future. However, eligibility of owners to acquire/ progress to full ownership is acknowledged as an exception.

Policy SP23 – Affordable Housing

Residential development schemes for more than 10 dwelling units, including mixed use developments incorporating residential and developments with a combined gross floor area of more than 1,000 square meters shall be required to provide 30% of the dwellings as affordable housing.

The affordable housing shall be provided in proportions set out in the Strategic Housing Market Assessment or successive documents.

The above requirements will only be reduced if meeting them would demonstrably make the proposed development unviable.